Vital resources for alcohol and substance abuse and emergencies during winter carnival

 As Winter Carnival approaches at Michigan Tech, students are gearing up for the festivities, including parties and gatherings where alcohol consumption is very common. Recognizing the potential challenges associated with alcohol and substance use during such events, it is important that we are looking out for our fellow Huskies. The Center for Student Mental Health & Well-being provides crucial resources for students who may be struggling with alcohol and other substances and aims to empower students with knowledge about the impact of alcohol and substances on their well-being and of those around them. 

If you know or suspect someone may have a substance abuse problem, the Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being has many helpful resources such as the Reduce Your Use group, eCHECKUP TO GO, and even individual counseling. Through these resources, students can gain insights into healthy coping mechanisms, safe partying strategies, and various places available when seeking help. “Supporting our fellow Huskies has to be a whole campus effort. It’s important for students to educate themselves and others on these topics, you never know when you may need to support and provide resources to a friend that is struggling,” says Sarah Woodruff, the Assistant Director of Outreach for The Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being.

Students are urged to prioritize the well-being of their peers, and if you encounter a situation indicative of alcohol poisoning, you should immediately call 911 for emergency medical assistance and stay with the affected person(s) until help arrives. The Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being underscores the importance of the Good Samaritan Provision, especially in situations involving potential alcohol poisoning or drug use. Signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning include unconsciousness, vomiting, pale skin, confusion, or slow breathing. 

The Good Samaritan Provision provides the freedom to seek help without fear of student conduct action to individuals who need emergency medical aid for someone experiencing alcohol or drug related emergencies. The goal of this provision is to educate and assist, not punish, individuals seeking aid of someone in need, emphasizing the priority of preserving human life. “Focusing on what the most important thing is… you might be underage but when it comes to a person’s immediate safety, there should be no punishment for that,” explained Lisa Meyer, Nurse Practitioner at The Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being. 

As Winter Carnival approaches, students are encouraged to have fun and to look out for the well-being of others, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the festivities responsibly and safely. More information on these resources can be found in The Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being’s website, at

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