No risk, all reward! Vegas Night returns on Mar. 23

On Mar. 23 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the McNair Hall Association (MHA) is hosting its annual Vegas Night. The event will take place on the first floor of Fisher Hall and is open to all Michigan Tech students. At the event, students will receive fake money that they can use to gamble in various casino games. The games include Blackjack, Texas Hold Em, Roulette, and Bingo. Once students finish playing, they can exchange their fake money for tickets. The tickets are then used to enter drawings for various prizes. The prizes include a JBL Speaker, a VR Headset, an MTU Gear Bundle, a Camping Tent, a PS5, and a mystery prize. Students can choose to place all their tickets in one drawing or spread them out among multiple prizes.

For those not interested in gambling or who lose their money too quickly, Vegas Night has more than just casino games. The MHA is partnering with the Film Board to show Barbie in Fisher 135. Additionally, board games and cards will be available for use. According to MHA Social Chair Matthew Echols, “Even for people who don’t win, it is a fun event to go to.”

Vegas Night is one of MHA’s most popular events. Echols anticipates that around 150 people will attend. Therefore, volunteers are essential to ensuring everything runs smoothly. Volunteers’ roles include set up and clean up crews. However, the most vital role belongs to the dealers, who attend a training session to confirm they can facilitate the various casino games. As for Echols, the two months of planning are worth it. “When I see people come to the event and have a good time it makes me happy. We set these events up…and try to make the Michigan Tech experience a little more fun.” Echols emphasized that the event involves no actual risk and allows a student to “do something you don’t normally do.”

 Students interested in finding out more about the event should look out for flyers containing information about Vegas Night within McNair Hall. If you have additional questions, reach out to Alexis Straub at

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