Two-year anniversary of conflict in Ukraine: a call to action for Michigan Tech students

As Ukraine marks two years since the outbreak of conflict, the resonance of war hits closer to home than we might realize. This isn’t just a distant crisis; it’s a stark reminder of the fragile state of global peace, and the potential for conflict to escalate beyond borders.

Danila Fedorenko, a former student whose family fled Ukraine during the 2014 invasion of Crimea, shares his disbelief, “I can’t believe this war has gone on for two years now. If we had the aid of Western allies, this war would be over, but they’re too scared to upset Putin. And the war in Palestine was almost perfect timing to distract the U.S. from Ukraine.”

Fedorenko’s words reflect the frustration felt by many affected by the conflict, echoing the sentiments of Michigan Tech students who yearn for a world free from such turmoil. Amidst our campus’s bustling activities, it’s easy to overlook the profound impact of global events. Yet, the conflict in Ukraine serves as a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness and the responsibilities we bear as global citizens.

As Huskies, we have a unique opportunity to make a difference. Whether through advocacy, fundraising, or raising awareness, each of us can contribute to the cause of peace and humanitarian relief. By standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, we affirm our commitment to a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, empathy, and understanding.

The two-year anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine is not just a moment to reflect; it’s a call to action for Michigan Tech students to be agents of positive change in a world desperately in need of peace.

To read more about the Ukrainian conflict, visit the Associated Press website at 

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