Post-Carnival MUB Board events

Following an uncharacteristically warm Winter Carnival week, the Memorial Union Board has several events planned out for MTU students in the upcoming weeks. After starting off the semester with laser tag at the SDC, a comedian a few weeks ago, and all-nighter karaoke during Winter Carnival, the MUB Board has three more events planned for the upcoming week, all of which are free for students to attend.

The first event is easily one of the most popular events that the MUB Board puts on annually: Stuff-A-Husky! This event always draws a massive crowd. With students this year getting the opportunity to create a stuffed animal in the form of a husky, frog, octopus, koala, or moose, make sure to plan on arriving early to guarantee a spot in line before supplies run out. Stuff-A-Husky is taking place on Tuesday, Feb. 13 from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. in the MUB Commons.

Despite the recent weather, the forecast this week is predicting more snow just in time for the MUB Board’s next event occurring this week: Deep Snow Ultimate Football. The game will take place this Friday, Feb. 16 from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. on Sherman Field, and is planned to go on regardless of the weather.

The final MUB Board event going on this week is Neon Disco Skate Night, taking place in the MacInnes Ice Arena at the SDC this Saturday, Feb. 17 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. While this event is entirely free, just like every other MUB Board event, students must register for the event online as rental skate equipment is only available first come first serve. If interested, students can register at

For more information on these events, make sure to check out the “Upcoming Events” page on the MUB Board website at or join the MUB Board involvement link at MUB Board can also be contacted through their email, or their Instagram account @mubboard.

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