Lewd special satirical article: Michigan Tech Lode to return to old ways

Disclaimer: This article is a part of The Lewd, a biannual satirical project put together by The Lode staff, typically published the week before finals. Opinions presented in these articles do not reflect The Lode values.

The ridiculous staff for the Michigan Tech Lode have finally been brought to their senses. Early afternoon yesterday, it was announced that the Lode will be following the older format that the paper used to follow in the 70’s. For those who may be unaware, the superior form of the Lode from the 1970’s and earlier featured a healthy dose of porn ads on almost every page. Students rejoice at the prospect of having the Lode as a source of new “content”. Another aspect of the old ways we at the Lewd hope to bring back is the publishing of letters to the editor. Finally, students will be able to post their ideodic ideas for all of campus to cringe at. Oh yes, people totally care about what you have to say. It’s not like you’re an infant in an adult body with no rational thought.

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