Michigan Tech partners with UP Health System-Portage for flu shot clinic Mia Bidolli

As fall progresses and the temperature drops, flu season approaches. In order to combat the spread of the flu, the Michigan Tech Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being is partnering with UP Health System – Portage to bring walk-in flu shot clinics to campus throughout the month of October. These clinics will be easily accessible on campus for students, faculty, and staff. 

The flu shot clinic kicked off on Oct. 4, and was available again on Oct. 10. There are two more available options on Tuesday, Oct. 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Rozsa Center for Performing Arts and Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 4-6 p.m. in the Student Development Complex Wood Gym. 

The flu shot is free to all with proof of a valid insurance card. Without an insurance card, participants can pay $40 cash or credit at the time of their walk-in. Additionally, participants are asked to fill out and bring the registration form that can be found on the Student Mental Health and Well-being website. If participants forget to do so before attending, there are printed-out copies of the form available to fill out at the location. 

Student Mental Health and Well-being coordinator, Hannah Bershing, said, “What we do with these flu shot clinics is we just give people, students in particular, the opportunity to get this vaccine that will just help them. So whatever symptoms they may get, if they do end up getting the flu, it will just be a lot more mild.” 

With the weather getting colder, and immune systems becoming more susceptible to catching the flu, the vaccine helps mitigate symptoms and protect students and the community. Bershing stated, “You’re helping them and you’re helping yourself.” 

More information about the clinics can be found on the Michigan Tech Student Mental Health and Well-being website at https://www.mtu.edu/well-being/student-services/flu-shot/.

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