Spring Activities in Houghton

As the snow begins to melt and the temperatures rise above freezing, spring begins to appear in Houghton. Although many of the common activities in the Keweenaw are snow or winter related, the warmer weather introduces a different set of hobby possibilities. 

A common Houghton spring activity is chasing waterfalls around the area. There are several waterfalls less than 10 miles from Michigan Tech’s campus, including Douglass Houghton Falls and Hungarian Falls. When visiting waterfalls in the spring, it is common to see a higher amount of water flowing due to melting snow. This can make the waterfalls even more exciting and grand. The combination of snow, ice, and water often results in interesting landscapes. 

“Depending on the time at which you go, there may be mini ice caves or large pools,” Maddie Reitz, a graduate student, said. 

The Keweenaw Peninsula also provides beautiful scenery outside of waterfalls. There are numerous hiking trails around the peninsula that allow for easy access to the nearby nature. 

Another possible spring activity is participating in intramural sports (IMs). Michigan Tech provides IM opportunities in both team sports and individual or dual activities. These IM options include basketball, volleyball, Super Smash Bros., swimming, and even an indoor triathlon. The full list can be found on the Michigan Tech Recreation website. 

“I like being active and being social with friends,” Andrew Taylor, second year student, said. 

Spring in Houghton is a time to look forward to graduation, summer, and excitement for the future. While preparing for finals, it is important to take time to soak in the scenery and participate in events. 

“Spring in Houghton creates a sense of excitement.” Maddie Reitz said. “Excitement for nicer weather, excitement for new opportunities like finding new hiking spots or downtown shops and restaurants, and excitement for what the future holds.”

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