USG meeting covers Wadsworth elevators, Dining services

USG met on Sept. 14 to discuss Career Fair, the Wadsworth elevators, and Michigan Tech Dining Services.


Amanda, a guest speaker for USG this week, detailed the different steps one could take as a student, such as creating a résumé and practicing personal introductions with the recruiters. 


The Wadsworth elevators, especially the East Wads Elevator, was brought up as a point of contention: “The farthest east elevator was on and off broken last year. For this year, it has been broken pretty much all of the time. If it’s fixed, it breaks again after 24 hours.” recounted Emily Ruf, USG treasurer.


As the elevator in contention is critical to getting around Wads, it is essential to keep the elevator working for the students of Tech. “The TK company has engineers looking into the problem. It seems simple but it is quite complex. There is one engineer on campus for all 56 elevators and he is doing his best,” continued Ruf.


Next on the docket for USG was the Dining Services of Tech. Multiple different students across Tech were interviewed about their opinions on the dining hall. The biggest concerns surrounding the dining hall seem to be the lack of options for students to choose for their meals, and that the selected foods are rarely ready to be served to

said students in the first place. 


Other student concerns include lack of staffing in the dining hall, constantly dirty tables, and the quality of certain food options. The USG voted to bring the student’s concerns forward to the Dining Services, and the Student Commision to hopefully work out a solution that can make both the Students and the Staff happy. 

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