Husky thoughts: What would you want on a stranded island?

This week we asked the Dean of Students his preferred item for being stranded on an island. We also wanted to hear what other Huskies at Tech had to say. We went around the library and asked students, “What is one item you would want to have on a stranded island, and why?” Here’s what they had to say:

“I would bring a bag full of food and water so that I wouldn’t starve.”






—Kristen Kautz, second-year Chemical Engineering student



“I would bring my camera so I can document all the things I see and take videos!”






—Savannah Pasella, fourth-year Exercise Science student


“My cat and cat food for 10 years.”






—Sidney Monyer, fifth-year Biomedical Engineering student



“A kendama: it’s a lot of fun to play with and could keep me occupied for a while. You might even be able to use it to hunt.”







—Ben Jewell, Mechanical Engineering graduate student

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