This week at USG

This week at USG was the first meeting with the newly elected officers and representatives. USG wishes the previous body members the best in their future endeavors and is grateful for their exemplary services in their respective positions. During this meeting, many different aspects of the MTU USG system were explained for the benefit of the new body members.

Quorum was not met for this meeting, meaning that under two-thirds of the body members were present. As this was not met, there were no votes taken during the meeting, including votes regarding representative appointments. Officers were still able to give their reports. 

Amanda Jackson from the Michigan Tech University Marketing and Communications team gave a presentation to the present body members. This presentation highlighted the opportunity USG members had to apply to become “MTU Brand Partners,” a new position which will, in the future, allow them to give feedback regarding how the MTU brand is perceived by students and the general public.

Tim Peters of USG Public Relations, and a member of The Lode, discussed the recent spam attack on the USG website. Public Relations Representative Peyton Hall met with GSG President Nathan Hall and was able to create a website security action plan in order to resolve the issue and prevent future occurrences. 

Treasurer Emily Ruf presented on a multitude of budgetary requests which will be voted on next week.

If you have any questions or concerns for USG please email USG President Cheyenne Scott at or fill out the form on their website.


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