Enterprise Day showcased career experiences for students

March 2 saw Enterprise Day at the Rozsa Center, with most of the 25 teams presenting either in the lobby or on stage. They showcased their current work within their organizations, with team members providing background information on the specifics. 

Reese Eichner of Advanced Metalworks Enterprise discussed advances in additive, or 3D printing, metalworks. He explained how “as material was printed, each layer altered due to transferring heat.” While the project didn’t produce the expected results, Eichner stated how “some of our data got published” and used by metalwork companies for developing efficient additive manufacturing methods.

Mia Pudas of Alternate Energy Enterprise discussed her work on the Sustainability Demonstration House (SDH). She works with the SDH to improve the CURB energy moderating system there. Her team is also constructing an adjacent greenhouse to model efficiency for the community. 

The Multiplanetary INnovations Enterprise (MINE) showed a few of their projects. One featured the submersible DIVER being developed for underwater mining exploration. When completed, it could navigate submersed mineshafts (such as the ones at Quincy Mine) and remap them. Additionally, DIVER could also be implemented for deep-sea diving in Lake Superior, providing information on potential mineral deposits. 

Meanwhile, Graham Spaulding of Innovative Global Solutions spoke on the baby incubator project he works on. He mentioned it to be a “low cost solution for doctors in developing countries,” and he showed how independent the incubator could run. It keeps the infant warm while maintaining humidity levels. 

Enterprise Program Coordinator Briana Tucker attended the event to see what the enterprises were up to. When asked about what drew her to becoming the Enterprise Program Coordinator, Tucker said, “I wanted to [participate in Enterprise] as a student, but never did. This job is my chance to participate.” She expressed joy from seeing how projects change and solve the issues brought to enterprises by corporations. “Enterprise is not just a replacement for senior design,” Tucker stressed. She wants to spread a consistent message on the value of Enterprise to campus. It’s project based learning that can lead to networking opportunities and real-world experiences.

Her advice for learning more about them? “Don’t be afraid to reach out to teams!” Some teams have social media pages and post project updates that the public can follow. She also recommended attending public meetings: “You don’t have to be enrolled [in the program] to see what [teams] are up to.” 

Additional information about Michigan Tech’s enterprises can be found at www.mtu.edu/enterprise

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