Ask the Dean: What does “Husky UP” mean?

Ask the Dean is a weekly column by MTU’s Dean of Students, Dr. Wallace Southerland III, where students can submit questions for him to answer. To submit a question, email or fill out our Google Form



Q: What does “Husky UP” mean, why is it being used, and why should students use it?



What “Husky UP” means: The Husky is our mascot and “UP” is respect for where we are, the Upper Peninsula. We make no apologies for where we are and we acknowledge that the UP is not for everybody. “Husky UP” is an attitude. It’s our Michigan Tech swagger and sense of pride in who we are as Huskies. “Husky UP” is a rejection of excuses and an embrace of our collective strength. “Husky UP” means take care of your business — whatever that business is. We get stuff done!


Why it’s being used: “Husky UP” is about having a shared language that’s fun and memorable – even years after graduating. It’s a spirited call for us to be resilient, to be our best, to be prepared, to be persistent, to be unshakable, to be unintimidated. “Husky UP” is an encouragement to be strong, confident, and brave in the face of adversity. So, if we’re in need of help or encouragement or complaining about the snow or even just slackin’ off, say “Husky UP – get it done!”


Why should students use it?: Because we all need encouragement sometimes or a reminder that we are often stronger than we think. “Husky UP” is a common language that we all can use to lift our spirits, to remind each other that we share this community, and to protect our Husky House! Students can use the term of endearment in classrooms before exams; to encourage our athletes during competitions; in the dining halls if someone doesn’t clear dishes from the table; in residence halls if late for a floor meeting; in conversations if students are being too hard on themselves; in ROTC drills; if we see a student disrespecting someone; or when someone is just being impatient.

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