100 years ago: President Gillies visits Copper Country alumni

The following article ran in the Feb. 16, 1922 issue of the M.C.M. Lode. 


Donald B. Gillies, President of the Alumni Association of the Michigan College of Mines, met some fifty Copper Country alumni at two informal meetings on Feb. 7, the occasion for the former being a luncheon at Calumet, at which there were about fifteen present, and for the latter, a dinner at the Houghton Club. This is the third gathering of this sort over which Mr. Gillies has presided. They represent the realization of the hope that Mr. Gillies expressed just after he came into office, that he would be able during his term to visit and consolidate into purposeful organizations the scattered groups of sons of M. C. M. in various mining districts of the country.

Mr. Gillies believes that by keeping organized and keeping in touch there are a number of things the alumni association may do for the best interests of the College. He is now engaged in sounding alumni opinion to determine which of the things should be done first. There will doubtless be plans to announce when they are determined upon.

One thing Mr. Gillies very definitely hopes to do, to raise the remainder of the $10,000 George Koenig endowment fund, which was brought to a total of a little over $3,000 and allowed to rest there because of the war.

A resolution was passed by this meeting to be sent to the Governor of Michigan, thanking him for his consideration in reappointing Hon. William Kelly to the Board of Control of the College.

The College has a larger representation from the Lower Peninsula among its students this year than ever before. The suggestion was made that these students can do much toward making the College known for what it is in their native districts.

Those present at the dinner at the Houghton Club were: Messrs. Shubert, Sheldon, Engstrom, Mullin, Reynolds, McKee, Weed, Hodgson, A. E. Seaman, W. E. Seaman, REeder, Seeber, Woodale, Schacht, Gillies, Andrew, Spern, Calverley, Dengler, Matson, Wohlrab, Fesing, Mercer, Mason, McNair, Van Orden, Walker, Cunningham, Fisher, Henderson, Moon, Uren, Hallingby. 

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