This week at USG

This week, President Zachary Olson began this week’s meeting by welcoming back students, saying “We [USG members] are all very excited to get back to work.” This message was seconded by Ethan Gerds, the new Vice President of USG. Joining the new Vice President was a new College of Engineering representative, Brendan Osentowski. USG is still looking to fill the following positions:

(2) Second, Third, and Fourth Year Representatives

(1) College of Engineering Representative

(1) College of Science and Arts Representative

(1) College of Forest and Environmental Science Representative

(1) At Large Representative

(1) Residential Representative 


Dean of Students Dr. Southerland addressed the body regarding the new case manager at Counseling Services, the open job postings for the Study Away/Abroad Program Manager, Director of Career Services, and Director of Student Mental Health and Well-Being. He discussed the successful continuation of Pizza with the President and his enthusiasm regarding his upcoming first Winter Carnival. He also asks for patience on the part of students applying for excused absences in this time of increased demand.

USG members discussed issues brought up by constituents regarding the changes Michigan Tech has made to their housing accommodations. Students with 80+ credits will be put on a waiting list for on campus housing, behind incoming students. USG has invited Matthew Weekly, Director of Housing Auxiliary Operations and Residence Education, to their meeting next Wednesday. 

USG motioned to allocate $1,000 from their Opportunity Fund to Collegiate DECA for their upcoming State competition. 

If you have any questions or concerns for USG please email USG President Zachary Olsen at or fill out the form on their website.

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