University Senate

The Michigan Tech University Senate met on Nov. 11 to hear from guest speakers and discuss various proposals.


The Senate first heard from Crystal McLeod, who introduced the My SSP program, a service connecting students to mental health professionals. Afterward, Mary Raber, Marika Seigel, and Brett Hamlin presented on education in the 21st century and hypothetical changes to Michigan Tech’s core curriculum. Theresa Jacques and Kellie Rafaelli then gave an update on spring commencement.       


The Senate reviewed Proposal 2-22, cornering revisions to Procedure 504.1.1, Teaching Effectiveness Evaluations. After a voice vote, the proposal was approved. The committee then reviewed six proposals concerning new degree minors and changes to existing minors. These six proposals passed unanimously.


Proposal 8-22 was brought forward, which would establish a Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering. Proposal 9-22, the Resolution to Raise Awareness and Reduce Mental Health Stigma; Proposal 12-22, introducing a minor in Jazz Studies; and Proposal 19-22, Uses of Student Evaluations of Instruction: Best Practices and Minimal Standard, were also introduced. The proposals were not yet voted on.

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