Join the Lode for a virtual centennial celebration April 9

Not many student groups have had the pleasure of celebrating their 100th anniversary on Michigan Tech’s campus. The editors and staff of the 2020-2021 Michigan Tech Lode are lucky enough to do so this year. Founded in February of 1921 by a pair of determined students, the Lode has been bringing relevant news to the MTU community for a century. To celebrate such a momentous occasion, the members of the Lode have planned a virtual centennial celebration that will take place on Friday, April 9. 

While we are restricted to a virtual setting due to the pandemic, this allows us to invite many more people, including those that would be otherwise unable to attend if we held the event in person and on campus. During the event, current Lode editors and staff members will be briefly sharing the Lode’s history, including interesting facts and images that we have uncovered during our research. The banquet will then open up for comments from the guests as they share their thoughts and memories on the Lode’s century on campus. Those who attend the event will also be put into a drawing to win a free Lode hat. Coveted by Lode staff members, these warm beanies keep our ears covered during the long Copper Country winters. 

Lode alumni are asked to bring stories of the Lode’s past to share at the banquet. Did you cover campus history as it happened? Was there a favorite faculty member that helped shape your time at Michigan Tech, and your time with the Lode? No matter what it was, we would love to hear your tales of the Lode’s yesteryear. 

If you are a past Michigan Tech student, what memories do you have of the Lode? Did you pick up a weekly copy to send home to your family, so they would know what was happening on campus before the digital age? Did you get in some morning reading during your breakfast time in DHH? We want to hear it! 

The Lode’s 100 Year Anniversary Banquet will take place on Friday, April 9 at 6 p.m. EST. The banquet is open to all, including current and past students, Lode alumni, faculty, staff, and any other community members who wish to celebrate our long history. If you are interested in attending, please register with this link. Visit our website for more information on the Lode’s history and to learn more about our centennial banquet. You can also find our event on Involvement Link, and we hope to see you there! 

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