CyberCorps offers Huskies scholarship for service opportunity

Michigan Tech is a new participant in CyberCorps, a scholarship program for cybersecurity students funded by the National Science Foundation.

Michigan Technological University is one of the six latest universities to join the National Science Foundation (NSF) CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, a nationwide program to recruit and train the next generation of information technology professionals, industrial control system security professionals and security managers.

As a participating university, Michigan Tech will receive a five-year, $3.3 million NSF grant to provide up to three years of full scholarship support for 20 undergraduate and graduate students. Following graduation, recipients in return must work in a cybersecurity-related job for federal, state, local or tribal government for a period equal to the length of the scholarship, among other requirements.

“The U.S. is facing a significant shortage of well-trained and well-prepared cybersecurity professionals,” said Yu Cai, professor of applied computing and the principal investigator of the grant. “Michigan Tech has developed a national and international reputation in cybersecurity education, research and outreach activities. We are thrilled to be part of the solution to the nation’s cybersecurity workforce challenge.”

Applications for Michigan Tech’s 2021-2022 cohort are now being accepted. Application guidelines and requirements can be found on the SFS Program at Michigan Tech web page. The deadline to apply is June 1, 2021. Student informational sessions will be announced shortly. 

The SFS program at Michigan Tech involves multiple programs and departments, including the College of Computing and its Department of Applied Computing and Department of Computer Science, the College of Engineering’s Department of  Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the College of Business’s Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems program

The SFS program is also partnering with the Pavlis Honors College to engage SFS scholars in a blend of faculty mentoring, peer mentoring and customized pathways.

Michigan Tech joins 78 current CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service universities across the country. In its announcement, NSF noted that Michigan Tech has a long history of K-12 outreach, which it expects to leverage as part of its project.

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