Cure cabin fever and Zoom fatigue with Husky Hobbies!

It’s hard to believe it, but we are approaching the one year marker on the Coronavirus pandemic. As people found themselves routinely staying home in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19, many turned to new hobbies to prevent quarantine boredom from settling in. People got creative in finding ways to have fun from the safety of their homes. Some people taught themselves to bake bread while others learned new languages. As the pandemic continued further and further into 2021, Michigan Tech’s Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being decided to create a new initiative meant to help Michigan Tech students alleviate cabin fever and quarantine boredom: Husky Hobbies.

Husky Hobbies is a new program started for the Spring 2021 semester. Open to all Michigan Tech students, both those on and off campus, the program covers different activities each week in hopes of helping students discover new skills and hobbies. Past weeks’ events include cooking (watch the Easy Taco Pasta video here), knitting, and even a super cute DIY gnome activity. According to Whitney Boroski, the manager of the Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being, the program was started to give students something fun to relax with after a stressful week of Zoom classes and limited in-person contact. 

Most of the events have offered supply pickup for students who are interested, and then participants can tune in via Zoom at 6 p.m. on the day of the event. If you’ve missed past events, fear not, as you can still watch the videos and see supplies lists here. In the meantime, here is an overview of the coming events.

In preparation for the Society of Intellectual Sisters’ (SIS) annual Bra Show, Husky Hobbies will be hosting a bra decorating event on Thursday, Feb. 25 at 6 p.m. SIS members will walk you through the process of selecting an idea and decorating the bra. The Bra Show’s overarching theme this year is Ancient Greece, so there are practically endless amounts of spectacular options! You can register for the Husky Hobbies event here, and to learn more information about the Bra Show, click here

On March 4, you can learn the basics of crocheting. Crocheting is a relaxing hobby enjoyed by many, and after you master it, the creation options are endless! To purchase your own supplies, you can view the supply list and purchase the items yourself, or you can register in advance here and pick up a bag of supplies on Tuesday, March 2 from the Student Leadership and Involvement office in MUB 112 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

If picking up a needle and thread sounds like a fun time, then make sure to check out the embroidery lesson on March 18. In this program, participants will walk through the basics of sewing (such as sewing up small holes in clothing) and will learn three simple embroidery techniques. Materials will again be provided the Tuesday beforehand, and a supplies list will be added to the Husky Hobbies page shortly. If you would like to attend, please RSVP beforehand.  

Video recordings of all of the Husky Hobbies events will be uploaded on the Center for Mental Health and Well-being’s website, so don’t fret if you can’t attend any of these events. However, if you do plan to attend, please RSVP in advance with the links provided by each activity on their website and in this article. More information is added weekly by Boroski, so make sure to check out the Husky Hobbies page frequently to stay up to date! 

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