Michigan Population Vaccinated Exceeds Total Diagnosed since March

In the state of Michigan, more people have been at least partially vaccinated against COVID-19 than have been diagnosed since March of 2020. As of Sunday, January 24, 491,637 Michigan residents have received the first dose of the vaccine, while 119,408 have received both, for a total of 611,045, a number exceeding the 604,233 total recorded cases within the state since March, with 554,237 confirmed cases and 49,996 unconfirmed.

Even then, it is likely that the number of residents vaccinated is greater than it appears, as there are lags in reporting that cannot be yet fully accounted for.

While this is certainly welcomed news for the state of Michigan, the same pattern does not appear nationwide. In the United States, a total of 18.5 million people have received a vaccine, while over 25.5 million individuals have received a COVID-19 diagnosis since March.

Overall, Michigan is ranked 16th nationwide in per-capita vaccine doses, and 23rd in terms of per-capita COVID cases. Currently, the state is using vaccine doses at nearly the rate it receives them, with all doses received by the state either having been used, or having been scheduled to be used.

Currently, the state is still focused on vaccinating those in the medical field, some essential workers, and individuals aged 65 and up. Currently, vaccination clinics are being held at nursing homes and assisted living centers for the benefit of their residents, as they host a particularly vulnerable population.

While there is much positivity in the rise of vaccinated people, it is still of great importance that all individuals continue to make an effort to slow the transmission of COVID-19. Even after receiving both doses of the vaccine, the Center for Disease Control recommends that individuals continue to wear masks and social distance as we gather more information.

While there is still much progress to be made in the way of vaccinating the population, these new numbers give hope to many that we are on our way to overcoming the worst of the pandemic.

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