Technologies that will Lead to a Better Future

In the 21st century, society is constantly striving towards newer and better technologies to improve daily life, especially in the workplace. Here are a few products that will revolutionize the workplace environment.

Google Glass

Google Glass is a small, wearable computer that will be produced in the form of glasses. The glasses use voice commands to help workers on the go to activate applications as quickly as possible. This removes a lot of distractions that can occur when using many devices at once. The glasses also allow access to your training videos, images with instructions, or checklists. This function will help employees to stay more focused and safe as the glasses will project these images right in front of your eyes. The glasses are chargeable through USB-C, have three microphones, and a speaker that is Bluetooth accessible. These glasses are intended to revolutionize the workplace and provide a distraction-free environment where employees can focus on what is in front of them at all times.

Brain-Computer Interfaces

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are the pathway to understanding how the human mind works. BCIs use implanted prostheses (artificial devices) to interact with the brain like natural sensors or effector channels. There are three forms of BCIs: invasive, partially invasive, and non-invasive. Invasive BCIs require surgery to implant the electrodes under the skull, but have the potential to remedy vision and movement disabilities. However, scar tissues could form that may block the nodes, and the brain might reject the surgery. Partially invasive BCIs are implanted on the skull but rest outside the brain. Non-invasive BCIs are the most commonly used form. This kind of BCIs is safer and easier to perform, but may have trouble picking up certain brain signals. This technology is intended to assist, repair, or augment cognitive or sensory-motor skills. So far, BCIs have been shown to be able to detect emotional states like negative, neutral, and positive, and mental states like relaxed, neutral, and concentrating. In the future, BCIs may be able to restore sight, movement, communication, and hearing. 

Screenless Displays

Screenless Displays are the future of technology when it comes to what people commonly refer to as “holograms.” The screenless display will project 3D images as well as 2D images and will help to reduce the clutter that multiple monitors can create. Displays will be projected directly onto the human retina and open space. In the far future, smartphones may have the capability to project videos and images as well. These displays would quickly replace the standard, outdated computers used in many workplaces currently. Some advantages of a screenless display are greater entertainment quality, less power consumption, and a lightweight build. However, it will be some time after this technology comes out before it is sold at an affordable price, and there will be a very limited number of screenless available for purchase. This technology is being developed for the main purpose of making the workplace a more efficient and modern environment.

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