Debate: Hillary’s email scandal vs. Drumpf’s Lewd comments

Disclaimer: The following debate contains views that are not held by the writers, the views herein are intended for purposes of discussion only to encourage conversation in line with civil conversations surrounding the current political playing field.

Is Hillary’s email scandal worse than Trump’s bragging about grabbing women by the pussy?

Round 1

Anthony Lackey – Drumpf has sexualized women during his life. This is a fact that he has admitted and shown to the public through his actions and conversations through multiple media outlets. Federal law sets a maximum time of 20 years for sexual harassment sentencing. Hillary Clinton has used unsecured servers to send and receive classified material. Through this fact it is then conceivable that she would be charged with five different federal law violations related to sensitive information handling and care. These charges, when compiled could total to 32 years in prison. The charges could then further yield property seizure and fines according to an article from a Milwaukee news station. The indicated disparity of 12 years between the sentencing shows that, according to our laws as an American people, Clinton’s crimes against the public are approximately 150 percent worse than Drumpf’s transgressions against women. Drumpf here, is clearly cleaner than Clinton.

Peter Nouhan –  In the U.S. it is unlawful to send or store classified information on a personal email. By using her personal email account to conduct official State Department business, Clinton may have violated a number of federal laws. That being said, the FBI has released over 30,000 of Clinton’s emails and only eight email chains contain “top secret” information. Some 2,000 emails contained “classified” information but they weren’t considered classified at the time they were sent. In July, the FBI recommended no charges against Clinton and said that there was no evidence that any of her work related emails were “intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them.” Furthermore, head of the FBI, James Comey (a registered Republican for most of his life), said that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against Clinton. There was no intentional and willful mishandling of classified information, vast quantities of material exposed, or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice.

Round 2

Peter Nouhan – Drumpf’s lewd comments about grabbing women’s genitals is just the tip of the iceberg. Four contestants from the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant have now come forward, claiming that Drumpf suddenly entered their dressing room while they were changing. Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA, said that Drumpf told contestants as young as 15: “Don’t worry ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” Furthermore, two more women have come forward saying that Drumpf touched them inappropriately. One of these women, Jessica Leeds, says that when she sat beside Mr. Drumpf in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York, Drumpf lifted the armrest and began touching her. According to Leeds, Drumpf grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. Drumpf also has an extensive history of sexist comments toward women. Any person that calls women fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals does not deserve to be the president of the United States.

Anthony Lackey – While Drumpf has been colorful in his language and conduct towards women, Clinton was investigated heavily by the FBI. In a press briefing given by FBI director James B. Comey, it is revealed that Clinton has had her long list of email scandals investigated using thousands of hours to comb through her unsecured email servers, including a deleted server from 2014. These servers did contain emails that were classified at the time as “top secret” and did bear markings within the emails as such. While Clinton does say that she did not know such content was being sent in the emails she did know that she was using her personal email server, which was banned by U.S. regulations for use in official business. She also used the email server while abroad in technologically sophisticated regions where hackers and intrusions into her emails could be done and in an invisible way to future investigations.

Round 3

Anthony Lackey – Clinton has shown a gross negligence for her use of confidential and classified information. She knowingly used her private email servers to conduct discussions over top secret information with other top political officials. During her time as Secretary of State she had passed multiple memos along which specifically covered how inappropriate and dangerous the use of private email servers is, which indicates that she had knowledge of how her actions were violating the regulations surrounding official electronic communication. The use of a private email server located inside of her home also opened up her store of classified email communications to outside intrusions, where her position as Secretary of State would make her a likely target for such actions by anyone with a contrary set of goals to the United States people. While Drumpf has been quick on the trigger for inappropriate words, Clinton has shown a definitive disregard for the safety of United States secrets, which is unacceptable in a president.

Peter Nouhan – It was negligent of Clinton to use a private email server to send and receive classified information. She has certainly suffered politically from having done just that. However, it is important to note that Clinton has publicly apologized, saying that she takes full responsibility for her actions. Drumpf on the other hand has not delivered a sincere apology for his egregious behavior towards women. He has defended his actions saying that it was just “locker room talk.” Moreover, he has tried to shift attention to Bill Clinton’s supposed abuse toward women. How weak and insufferable a man Drumpf must be if he can’t even hold himself accountable for his own mistakes. Drumpf’s self-righteousness will poison the presidency of the United States. Clinton isn’t the perfect leader for this country (we’ve never had that), but she does know how to be a president for all Americans: women and children, blacks and whites, straights and gays, and people of faith. Drumpf is in this for fame and power.

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