The UnLODEing Zone

I would like to dedicate this UnLoding Zone to the members of The Lode. I know I usually complain about my life, but this time I’d like to do something different. I’m so very thankful to everyone who is a part of The Lode, but there’s a couple of extra special people that I think need some mentioning.

Our Ad Sales Manager, Jacob, is a very busy boy. However, he still makes time for The Lode and I’m so thankful for that. I know it would be easier to just ditch us, but he is always trying his best and that’s all I can ask.

Our business manager, Nathaniel, has been a huge help this semester. After our previous one graduated, I thought we were screwed. Nate gracefully blessed us with his knowledge of money and purchasing things—I don’t know what I would have done without him joining.

Our copy editor/news writer, Chris, is a man of many talents. He is consistently producing quality work and doesn’t complain when he needs to stay late to copy edit sections. I’m so proud that he will be taking over the news section and I know it will be in good hands.

Ranit, our media manager, is the kindest person I know and I don’t think there is a single mean bone in his body. He is so creative and funny, plus his photoshopping skills are out of this world.

Our Pulse and Opinion editors, Aemili and Becca, are the two I know I can always count on. They go above and beyond to get their sections done each week, and I know they would drop everything for The Lode if needed.

Karissa, our Tech editor, is new to the section editors but she has already proved herself to be more than capable to lay out a section.

The Lode is filled with amazing people and I am very honored that I get to be a part of this group. For the past four years, The Lode has been my family. They make me laugh and cry and sometimes I get a tad frustrated, but then someone cracks a dumb joke and all is forgotten. I love everyone on The Lode staff, and I am extremely grateful to be able to work with each and every member.

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