The Nice List


Thank you for giving me a constant source of entertainment for moments when I don’t quite want to get invested in a new book or series on television, yet still feel like reading more. While the stories might not always be of the highest quality, there are such a variety of options that it is nearly impossible to not find something entertaining to read.

Even if there is not an entertaining story available for reading, there is always the option to write something myself. While likely not the most productive of hobbies, writing does let me practice written communication skills that could eventually help me later in life, even if it is starting with a more creative format online.

Fanfiction has given me a place to go to when I want to relax and take a break from studying and work. I am glad that it exists, and hope to continue enjoying it well into the future. So, thank you again, for giving me some form of entertainment to utilize in my down time.



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