UnLODEing Zone

I’m gonna be totally real with you guys, this has not been super fun. My body feels like it’s falling apart and my neck is doing a weird crampy thing and I’m sure it has nothing to do with the convoluted way that I sleep or the six hours I spent playing Sims 4 on my Xbox the other night.

I got this weird cramp in my foot today while I was going up the stairs and I somehow keep forgetting to pack healthy food for lunches and my dog sobbed when I left this morning but guess who came to school anyway!

Am I overwhelmed? Potentially. I’m keeping up with my homework decently well, but that doesn’t mean anything if I can’t afford to buy my own food or food for my dog. I work three jobs and while they vary in intensity, they are all time- and energy-consuming. I’m hoping for a better semester and maybe I’m just a grump right now, but this is really hard.

I’m going to be giving up my position as pulse editor by the end of this semester and moving down the line to a writer. I’m worried about being a good teacher for the incoming editor. I’m worried about feeling like I’m missing out on things as an editor. But I want to be able to pass on this position to someone who deserves it and who will be as passionate about cultural events as I am. Someone who has a love for this little student newspaper.

We have come leaps and bounds as a student newspaper and we still have a long way to go, but some of that development is going to happen when I’m gone from Tech. I don’t know where I’m going to end up when this college experience is over, but I know that it’s going to be okay.

Hopefully, this reaches some of you who don’t know how to handle your bodies becoming old-people bodies and who are scared about where the future is leading. It’s okay to be worried. Or stressed. Or overwhelmed. It’s okay to be sad and excited about this coming to an end. It’s okay to make some mistakes and it’s okay to decide that it’s time to grow.

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