“On the Basis of Sex:” A true story about fighting for equality

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the second female justice to be appointed to the Supreme court, but this was not her first bout of being one of few women in the workplace. Her mother was a major source of encouragement, but she died before Ginsburg graduated high school. This was not a deterrent to her success, however.

Ginsburg went on to study at Cornell University and Harvard Law, transferring to Columbia Law School where she was tied for first in her class. She was one of few women at these law schools and went on to become a professor, again, one of few, at Rutgers Law School.

Her legal career was marked with her advocating for gender equality and women’s rights, winning cases before being appointed to the Supreme Court. She was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by Bill Clinton. She has been outspoken about her views on abortion rights, standing alone on tight votes when necessary, and she looked critically at the evidence in different cases, calling out the parties on what they’re real intentions were — whether they were looking to protect women’s health or prevent abortions.

She worked against gender discrimination in cases such as the one where she asserted that a male-only military institute was violating the Fourteenth Amendment for not admitting women.
She also worked with women who fought for equal pay in male-dominated careers. She is credited with helping to inspire the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which makes it easier for employees to win pay discrimination claims.

This past Tuesday was Equal Pay Day with women all over the country wearing red to signal that women and minorities are still “in the red” as far as pay equality is concerned and to bring attention to the fact that people are still fighting for their right to make the same amount for the same job and same qualifications regardless of gender or ethnic background.

With this issue hot in our minds, “On the Basis of Sex” is sure to be an interesting and thought-provoking film that highlights issues of gender discrimination and equality.

Tonight at 6 p.m., the Film Board and Title IX are offering a free showing of the biographical drama film, “On the Basis of Sex” which is based on the true story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s early life and cases.

It details her life as a law student at Harvard as well as her teaching position after graduation. She works to set a precedent in a case proving that a man is being unfairly discriminated against on the basis of his sex.

The film was directed by Mimi Leder and written by Daniel Stiepleman, starring Felicity Jones as Ginsburg. It was released in the United States on December 25, 2018. It will be shown free of charge for students and community members tonight, April 4 at 6 p.m. and concessions will be available.

*Note: This article ran April 4

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