the Nice List

A tribute to warm Yooper culture

To my wonderful partner,

This week, I’d like to thank my phenomenal girlfriend for everything that she does. I must have done something really great in a past life to deserve her. What prompted this shoutout to come right now was her offer to organize my schedule for me next semester, a task I find tedious and formulaic.

I was able to put it out of my mind and focus on my abundance of homework instead. She even ran my degree audit and made a plan for me to graduate on time, without me asking her to do any of this. I know, I’m spoiled.

Selfless behavior is hardly out of character for her. My birthday is this month and she’s been talking it up for weeks (justifiably, as she’s a great gift giver). She’s also a deft hand at cooking and baking, a great pet owner and has a green thumb.

Her compassion for animals and her ability to see the good in anyone is inspiring. If there’s anyone that belongs on the Nice List, it’s certainly her.



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