The UnLODEin Zone

A place for the editors to unload

Oftentimes I find myself exhausted by the relentless onslaught of work and school and wishing only for a stop to it all. The homework just keeps coming, exams are always looming and every week Tuesday seems to arrive sooner, always managing to sneak up on me. It’s just … so MUCH, all the time. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that having ADHD doesn’t make it any easier.

I did create this situation for myself, though. Not only did I choose to go to college, I chose to go to Tech and I chose to take all of these classes. On top of that, I joined Film Board and took an editor position at The Lode. I still need more news writers by the way, so consider joining our organization. That means you, reader! No experience necessary.

I know that I chose all of the work I have to do, but there’s still no time I relish more than free time. If I’m real beat I’ll just veg out, but if I’m feeling up to something more productive I will whittle or read a book. The more consecutive free time that I have, the more I feel that I have to devote to more intellectual pursuits, like Minecraft.

Of course weekends are the most significant period of free time that I have. A large chunk of them is taken up by work, but I still look forward to them. I do enjoy my work and classes- mechanics is my favorite subject and being a part of organizations on campus is very rewarding. It is nice to have some of the pressure off for two days though. Loverboy said “everybody’s working for the weekend,” but Tacocat said “I hate the weekend.” Are weekends a well-deserved reprieve after five days and 40 hours of honest work, or a product of an overworked capitalist economy designed to keep us busy without actually accomplishing anything? We truly do live in a society, folks.

*Note: This story ran Feb. 28

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