The UnLODEing Zone

A place for the editors to unload

I’m honestly pumped about this weekend. My brothers and I have been planning this weekend for a year now, and finally it’s time. Friday I’ll leave Houghton to travel to Norway to get my little brothers, then we’re off to Milwaukee for Anime Con.

It seems tacky, yes. But! It is a blast. Plus, my two youngest brothers love it and save up for months. This year, I rented an Airbnb and beforehand I plan on making some monster cookies to take along with us. While the convention goes all weekend, around 8 p.m., Saturday they start 21+ programming so we always leave by then. It works out perfectly because we still have plenty of time to catch a movie, play some board games or just hang out with each other.

I truly think everyone should plan a fun getaway with their siblings once a year at least. They are there for you your entire life, and maintaining a good relationship with them is probably one of the best things you can do.

I remember scheming with my brother late at night to play Mario Kart on our DS after we had to go to bed. We would softly knock on the wall between our rooms to let each other know we were ready. Or all those times during the summer the four of us would go to the park and play some weird version of hide and seek that we made up. My favorite memories are when we still lived in Milwaukee and would Jedi fight in the backfield with our lightsabers.

The point is, we shouldn’t take family for granted. Just because you’re related doesn’t mean you have to be friends, but you should be! Everyone should keep good ties with their siblings and other family members. My three brothers are basically my best friends, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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