Feeling homesick? Stop that and try this instead!

After three glorious weeks of relaxation, time with family and friends, and cuddle sessions with your furry friend, I’m sure every student at Michigan Tech was more than ready to return to the winter wonderland of MTU’s campus … right? Well, okay, maybe not. But, now that the spring semester is in full swing, it’s time to get back what we pay to be here for — learning.
Now and again, though, it’s nice to take a break from studying and stress and have some reminders of home – without leaving the Upper Peninsula.

If you feel like you need a place to relax away from campus, there are plenty of locations throughout the Houghton/Hancock area that are perfect for that. Whether it’s getting a calming cup of coffee or tea at one of the local shops downtown, like the Bookworm or Cyberia, or painting pottery at the Magic Kiln Studio in Hancock, the local area offers many different activities that can be relaxing and a welcome distraction from the everyday challenges of college life.

The Keweenaw is also known for its breathtaking natural attractions, and winter is one of the best seasons to experience the natural beauty of our home. You can take a winter hike to see some of the UP’s ice caves or take up a winter hobby, like skiing or ice fishing. Skiing is included with the Experience Tech fee and all students get into Ripley for free while it’s open.
The Tech trails are also accessible to all Tech students and range from easy level to more difficult and are stunning in all seasons.

The University also offers many fun events that are included in the Experience Tech fee that we all pay each semester. The Rozsa Center and McArdle Theatre often have spectacular musical events and theater productions, such as Les Ballets Trockadero, a comedy ballet company that will be featured in the Rozsa in February or the Jazz Cabaret coming up next weekend.

Besides the art side of things, you can also watch one of the many sporting events hosted by Michigan Tech. Perhaps the most popular of MTU sports would be our Division 1 Men’s Hockey Team, but during the winter months, you can also watch our men’s and women’s basketball teams play. This is a great way to have fun and take a break from studying, while also supporting our student-athletes.

One thing that many students take for granted while at home is home cooking. Though it’s not exactly “Mom’s home cooking,” the local area offers a plethora of delicious restaurants at a reasonably affordable price. Going out with a group of friends to a great local restaurant, like Joey’s, a seafood restaurant in Houghton or La Cantina, a Mexican restaurant in Hancock, can give you and your friends a small break from homework while enjoying a delicious meal.

Many students, like myself, often find themselves missing their pets while they are up at school. The Copper Country Humane Society is located just south of campus on Nara Park Road (just off of Hwy 41), and students can volunteer to walk dogs and play with the cats in the cat room. It’s not the same as playing with your own dog or cat, but to these pets that have yet to find their forever home, a visit from some fun college students could make their day. Not to mention that simply by visiting and loving on these animals, you help their mental state so that they are happier and more likely to be adopted faster than animals who aren’t receiving enough physical attention.

Remember that while it’s important to study and work hard, college is about more than that. It’s about making connections and learning. And what better way to learn than to indulge yourself in a little local culture? The Houghton-Hancock area has loads of places to spend your precious free time, and they are all so worth it.

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