The Nice List

A tribute to warm Yooper culture

Dear Professor Johnson,

You have been instrumental in my feeling of belonging here at Tech — not an easy feat for an English major at a tech school.
Consistently, you have gone out of your way to speak to me and make me feel like I have a place and that someone is there to listen if things aren’t going the way that I would like them to. You went above and beyond in every class I’ve taken with you, showing how much you care about your students and the passion you have for your subject.

What you do does not go unnoticed, and I am likely still here today because of the fact that you stepped out of your role as a lecturer to be a friend to a student in need.

You reignited in me the passion for literature and writing that is so easy to lose in the middle of essays, exams and required reading. You made an effort to make these things important to not only yourself but also to your students and the effects are clear as day.

Thank you for being a professor, advisor and friend. You have made Michigan Tech a more friendly place to learn and made an impact on the life of at least one very grateful student.



Introducing The Nice List, a place for the editors, copy editors, students or denizens of Houghton-Hancock to thank or acknowledge someone or an organization who made their day, week, or experience in life a little bit better or a little easier. We want to give the community a chance to put something kind in the paper as a thank you to all those people who make life nicer. If you would like to participate in this column, please send your submission to

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