Homecoming Week at Michigan Technological University

It’s been two weeks since the commencement of the fall semester. The air is crisp, the leaves are changing colors, and the campus is back to its routine with new students having finally settled in and the returning students a semester closer to their graduation. In the midst of all this, Homecoming Week comes as a respite which everyone looks forward to.

This year Homecoming Week is from Sunday, Sept. 23 to Saturday, Sept. 29.
Perhaps the best part of this festive week is the football game, but the other events are definitely worth attending. This Sunday kicked off with a 5k walk/run for charity. All the proceeds of this event support the Western UP Food Bank. Purchases of homemade pie were available, baked by Alpha Gamma Delta, and there was a chance to win prizes in the competition in each of the categories. Registration was required for this event, the fees being $10 for online or $15 at the event directly. The event was scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon at the Walker Lawn and hosted by the Triangle Fraternity. At the same time, there was a women’s tennis match versus Wayne State University at the Gates Tennis Center which was followed by a soccer game versus Northwood at Sherman Field starting at noon. The Three Ring Kickball Tournament was in the afternoon in the Softball Fields 1-4, starting from 2 p.m. and Tight Rope Battle (Tug-of-War) also at the Softball Fields 1-4, starting at 2 p.m. Another fun event on Sunday’s agenda was Window Painting at the Student Development Complex from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Can Castles at the same time.

On Monday, the Huskies were giving back to the community by donating gently used clothing or winter gear to the local community. In return for such kindness, a 2018 Homecoming shirt was available (while supplies and sizes last). Donations will be given to the Barbara Kettle Gundlach Centre and New Beginnings Angel Mission. It is hosted by the MUB and students can start donating at 2 p.m.

On Tuesday, Juggling, which is a water balloon dodgeball event was organized at the Walker Lawn in the evening followed by the infamous Ringmaster’s Feast, a Homecoming Court Dinner at the Great Lakes Research Center, Room 202 at 6 p.m.

On Thursday, a Circus Trails Relay at the Tech trails is being organized for the nature lovers where students can enjoy the beauty of fall while being engaged in a relay game. This event begins at 4:30 p.m. and may continue till sunset.

On Friday the 28th, we have a highly anticipated event: Cardboard Boat Races at Houghton’s Waterfront Park. The races begin at 4 p.m. and there will be a free shuttle that will leave from the MUB and the SDC to take students to and from the Houghton Waterfront Park. Since there is limited parking available at the waterfront, using the shuttle service is recommended. Shuttles will start running around 3 p.m. and will run until the end of the races.

On Saturday, the last day of Homecoming Week, there will be a Homecoming Tailgate event under the big tent in Lot 24 at the SDC, at 11 a.m. There will be free food and some mini events where students will get a chance to mingle and meet with the athletes, take photos with a Michigan Tech photo frame, play yard games, and so on. There will be beer available only with proof of a valid ID. Students need their Husky ID card to get into the game and tailgate. Anyone with a game ticket can get into the tailgate as well.

Homecoming is sponsored by Athletics, Dining Services, Alumni Engagement, Wellness and Student Activities! Students are welcome to follow-up the tailgate by cheering on the Huskies as they compete against Saginaw Valley State University in the Homecoming football game at 1:00 p.m. on Sherman Field.
Homecoming Week thus serves as a very refreshing break before finals come rolling over in no time, and it is highly recommended to make the most of this week — especially since each and every cheer is going to be essential for the Huskies to beat the competition in the all-important Homecoming football game.

Come out and support your fellow Huskies an enjoy the slightly early weekend since classes end at 3 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 28.

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