“Human Flow:” a live Q&A session with the director

“When there is nowhere to go, nowhere is home.” — Human Flow, directed by Ai WeiWei

Around the world, over 65 million people have been forced from their homes to escape famine, climate change and war. “Human Flow,” an epic documentary film created by the internationally renowned artist and activist Ai Weiwei, expresses this massive human migration with incredible visual impact. Michigan Tech has the opportunity to learn about this crisis, its incredible scale and its profound personal impact at a nationwide simultaneous screening event which will culminate in a live Q&A with the director.

The nationwide simultaneous screening event is being held on April 29th at G002 Hesterberg Hall in the U. J. Noblet Forestry Building. The screening will begin at 2:30 p.m. and will conclude with the live Q&A session with Ai WeiWei. This event is free to all who wish to attend.

To those wishing to submit a question to the director, questions will be crowdsourced during the event. Once the film screening begins, the audience will be able to submit their questions using sli.do (accessible via smartphone, tablet and computer).

This event comes as the Social Science Book Club’s final meeting of the semester and is sponsored by the Department of Social Sciences, Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts, and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion. For more information, contact Dr. LouAnn Wurst at lawurst@mtu.edu, or Kyla Valenti at klvalent@mtu.edu.

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