Omega House art exhibit

Omega House was opened in 2005 in Houghton and has served more than 460 residents since its opening. It offers a home-like experience for those who are terminally ill and provides end-of-life care that emphasizes compassion, independence, respect, and dignity. Working with local hospice programs, Omega House is able to provide residents with care and attention 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Those who live in a limited support situation as a complement to a hospice agency program, those who live with an elderly or infirm partner whose own condition prevents them from providing adequate care or support or those who are unable to care for their loved one at home during the final stages of their life are all eligible to live at Omega House.

A team of students from Michigan Tech is putting together an exhibition in the Omega House open from April 7 to May 2, 2018, for residents, workers and volunteers, as well as to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The team for organizing this exhibit consists of co-curators Mads Howard and John Hughes, Omega House marketing coordinator Carol Pfefferkorn and professor of art Anne Beffel.

The exhibition features a series of mindfulness-based photographs taken by Beffel’s Art and Nature studio course. The photographs were taken almost exclusively with cell phones without zoom or editing in order to demonstrate the power of simply slowing down and paying attention to life as it unfolds from one moment to the next. The students mindfully framed their experience of working independently and intuitively in the outdoors to capture the images. Through rigorous critiques and applied theories of visual arts and culture, the result is an inspiring showcase of both photographs and artist statements. Students featured in the exhibit include Liz Adams, Bernard Alkire, Maria Corona, Jake DeVries, Dusty Haxton, Mads Howard, Brett Howland, John Hughes, Gabriel Lamer, Alex Osterholzer, Jake Peterson, Alex Phol, Julia Smith, Maddie Steger, Paul Vogt and Andrea Zubke.

Anyone is welcome to view the exhibit at Omega House from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. until May 2, 2018. Omega House is also always looking for caring and compassionate volunteers to donate some of their time to assist with various patient and family needs, such as social visits, preparing meals, or snow removal and lawn care. For more information on Omega House please visit

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