Gun control and the school walkouts

In the wake of recent school shootings, activist groups around the country have organized a nationwide school walkout in protest of what they perceive as a lack of regulation on the sale and distribution of firearms. Activists believe that if tighter restrictions were in place, these school shootings may not have occurred. However, a careful analysis of crime statistics leads to an entirely different conclusion. At best, they show no correlation between strict gun control laws and drops in crime rates. Like other gun control protests in the recent past, logic and reason seem to have been taken over by emotions and sensationalism. There is even evidence that some of the walkouts may have been coerced by school administrators.

Mass shootings are picked up by the media so often that it seems like an epidemic. In reality, however, it is not. There is an old saying that goes like this: ‘There are lies, damn lies, and statistics’. Statistics are easy to play around with to support a political narrative. For example, the frequency of school shootings with multiple fatalities has actually dropped since the 1990s. However, major media outlets have included single-fatality incidents, non-fatal shootings, suicides, and even accidental discharges of a gun! No wonder these shootings seem to be an epidemic.

Another related statistic that is often cited is the national gun homicide rate. The U.S. has one of the highest in the developed world. The media quickly cites America’s high rate of gun ownership as the cause. What the media and activists fail to disclose is that nearly all of these shootings are the product of gang violence in inner cities. Mass shootings, such as those in schools, contribute to less than one percent of the national homicide rate. In fact, if America’s most violent metropolitan areas are removed from the statistic, the rate drops significantly. And it is no coincidence that many of these cities have very strict gun control laws.

It is also important to note that when gun ownership is restricted, it removes the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves in times of imminent danger, all while criminals (who tend to break the law) still manage to get their hands on firearms and wreak havoc in their communities. However, some activists have espoused the even more ludicrous idea of labelling schools as ‘gun-free zones’, effectively advertising the schools as sitting ducks and perfect places to plan mass slaughter without retaliation. And yet, despite all the evidence against them, student activists like David Hogg continue to advocate such policies while speaking against common-sense solutions, like hiring armed school guards or requiring concealed-carry training for teachers.

As for the school walkouts, the public must respect the students’ right to peacefully assemble. However, there is no denying that the public schools have a reputation for liberal bias. The majority of public school officials in this country likely support gun control, and conveniently for them, they have a massive pool of young adolescents that they can easily manipulate and control. There are reported cases of teachers forcing individual students to walk out under threat of suspension. This is not meant to imply that all teachers are bad actors. However, it is important to publicly condemn such incidents. Knowing this fact, should we really believe that public support for gun control is as large as these protests imply?

The Parkland shooting was, in fact, a demonstration as to why gun control is not the solution to the school shooting problem. This tragedy resulted from gross incompetence of school disciplinary officers, local police, and even the FBI, who all failed to notice numerous and obvious signs of the shooter’s mental instability and family issues. The Parkland shooter even alluded to the shooting publicly, and authorities who were already watching him did nothing about it. Even during the shooting, officers failed to enter the building to neutralize the situation.

All politics aside, it is important to take a step back and mourn the loss of the students in the Parkland shooting. It should make everyone sick to contemplate how anybody could commit such a heinous crime. There is a psychological tragedy taking place among young adolescent men in this country that is driving a number of them to commit mass shootings and tens of thousands more to commit suicide. I pray that this society finds a solution to these issues, and the psychological breakdown that leads them to commit such evil acts.

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