Calumet Copper Enameling Workshop

Joan Heuvelhorst of Still Water Studio in Grand Rapids, MI is making her way to the great Keweenaw to teach a class on enameling at the Calumet Art Center this Saturday, March 24. Heuvelhorst has been making art since 1995, and her shop in Grand Rapids has been in operation for around eight years. Her expertise in handicrafts lends itself well to enriching the lives of those of us here in the Copper Country. Earlier this week, Heuvelhorst also taught a class in glass bead making at the Calumet Art Center. Joan Heuvelhorst was also an instructor at Traditional Arts Weekend in Remus, MI sponsored by Wheatland Music Festival in 2015. There she taught copper jewelry making and basic copper working. In addition, Heuvelhorst has visited the Calumet area several times to teach various classes, including copper jewelry making classes.

The enameling class will include instructions on how to cut, file, texture, drill, clean, and enamel copper. Given that the UP is known for its copper, this is a wonderful opportunity to get a little more up close and personal with this versatile mineral. Participants will be able to freehand their own shapes, or if they would prefer, there will also be premade forms with which to work. The class will also teach attendees how to use colored powder enamels to decorate their copper pieces.

Enameling is glass fused to metal at a high heat. This class will use powdered enamel that is baked in a kiln, like a glaze for pottery, to create beautiful works. This art form has been used since the ancient Egyptians as well as in various other ancient cultures. While used primarily as a decoration, today enameled pins are quite popular and can be found everywhere from Amazon to Etsy and varying in prices. This is a valuable skill that can be fun and creative and is not limited to just copper jewelry or pins. Enamel stoneware, cookware, and pottery are all popular recipients of this ancient art. The word “enamel” is primarily applied to metalworking, and copper is a particularly relevant mineral up here. Come learn how to utilize this magnificent art and create new and wonderful decorations, all supplies provided!

This class will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Calumet Art Center, 57055 Fifth Street, Calumet MI 49931 on Saturday, March 24. The class will cost $75 and includes all supplies necessary to create your very own work of art. For more information, please visit or email

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