Is it unethical to eat meat?

For centuries, we have faced this perplexing question of whether eating meat is humane, of how someone takes a life just to satisfy eating desires, or of why meat eating isn’t banned and so on. Eating meat is still someone’s choice and within the limits of the law, yet debates and debates over this normal practice don’t seem to cease. Let’s analyze this issue.

All human beings should understand that the creator has constructed us in such a way that to survive we have to depend on someone else. To be precise we have to feed on some other living being. So, even if you eat vegetarian food you still are killing a life and making it your own. Hence, if someone is a non-vegetarian I think it’s completely ok as they have got a valid reason for survival.

Now if you want to debate on the fact that animals go through pain while being slaughtered, then you must know that even plants go through pain. Bioscientist Daniel Chamovitz in his book, “What a Plant Knows”, has logically explained that even plants have emotions which they express electrochemically. Lots of other studies in the field of biology also support this fact.

But the question is, should there be any restriction on what should be eaten? Let’s understand this. We are nothing but our surroundings. Since birth, we have eaten food and that food has helped us grow into what we are today. The same food we gave to nature through the natural process of defecation. This acted as a natural fertilizer for vegetation and the cycle has continued till today.

Our body is a complex mechanism. The life we eat converts into another life. The mango a man eats turns into a male, while a piece of the same mango turns into a female when a woman eats it. This tells us that whatever we eat gets integrated into our body and mind. This is the basic requirement of digestion. What we eat should integrate physically and emotionally with us.

Our body is the most cultivated software. If we are injecting some other software into our own wouldn’t we want that to assimilate with our own? The bigger the mammal the more time taken by the human digestive system to cut out the substance. Humans have long and narrow intestines as opposed to carnivores which have shorter and wider intestinal passages. Thus, if you are into heavy meat eating you should make sure that you have an athletic lifestyle wherein you work out enough to digest the meat.

Looking from a different perspective, as stated earlier, the process of software integration is smoothest when you eat something that has less emotions or are not advanced evolutionarily. This is a spiritual reason for why plant eating is what humans should prefer. Bigger animals like cows, dogs or elephants, for instance, have a strong emotional side. Eating these will cause difficulty in digestion as well as homogenizing with emotions. Hence eating earliest life forms like fish can be a great choice holistically. Here vegetarians might point out that they are calmer and more at ease, but this statement is pretty much controversial as there are definitely countless meat eaters out there to disprove this.

Therefore, eating meat is in no way unethical, cruel or beyond logic. In fact, there shouldn’t be anything like vegetarian and non-vegetarian. We should eat what’s right for us. No creature can survive without the other. Some depend on plants, while some on animals. This is the cycle of nature.

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