Debate: should mobile devices be allowed in the classroom?

Round 1

Pro: With the advances in technology allowing us to take our devices wherever we go, it’s become common to see them in the classroom as well. Yet many teachers believe that these devices are making students more distracted in the classroom and in their study habits. If the students were prohibited from using their devices in class, it would help increase student retention and participation.

Con: Electronic devices are just as useful as they can be distracting. Many students take notes or follow along with the slideshows with their laptops, tablets, or phones. By prohibiting their use, we would be limiting how they learn. Perhaps a student wants to take plenty of notes and their handwriting is either unreadable or they can’t keep up with the lecture. If that’s the case, not allowing them the use of their device creates an obstacle to their learning.

Round 2

Pro: If a student was not interested in paying attention, it wouldn’t matter if they had a device or not. They would doodle, pass notes, or sleep. Also, some people are capable of paying attention to the lecture or discussion while doing something else. Whether or not devices distract or help depends mainly on the individual’s mindset and how important they consider the class to be.

Con: Though personal devices can be used for taking notes, with access to social media and games, why would they want to pay attention to class? It would be easy for them to stop paying attention to the lecture or participating in class discussion if they were messaging friends or playing Candy Crush.

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