A review of Career Fair

Twice a year, hundreds of companies appear in Houghton with the intent of setting up shop in the Student Development Complex (SDC) and finding future employees. They’re trying to sell their company to you as much as you’re trying to sell your skills and experience to them. Michigan Tech students are a hot commodity in today’s employment ecosystem. We’re crazy smart and no, that’s not just a slogan used by university marketing. Far from just an engineering school, Michigan Tech is a university of possibilities. Tech students have a passion and desire to learn that earn them 93 percent career placement and the 7th highest starting salary in the country according to MTU Admissions.

MTU consistently has over 400 companies recruiting throughout the year. Such a large number might seem overwhelming, but the provided maps at Career Fair and lists of recruiting companies online make it easy to pick the companies you really want to focus on. Career Fair is all about the future. Students are forced to focus on the present; they have classes to attend, organizations to participate in, homework to do and perhaps even a job. Career Fair allows students to drop everything for a day and actually plan their future. This incredibly refreshing change of pace twice a year is what makes Career Fair so large at MTU. It’s an event in the spirit of the crazy smart people that inhabit the university. Amidst the throng of students and recruiters, one can sense hope and enthusiasm filling the room.

Despite the positivity surrounding the event, preparing for Career Fair is an arduous journey. Throughout the week before, there are swarms of students going to many different departmental “résumé blitzes.” Even before then, students spend mounds of time padding their résumés. Mock interviews, company mixers and info sessions round out the Career Fair experience and helps both the company and prospective employee find each other. It’s never too early or late to show up and throw your hat into the ring for a job. Who knows — maybe you’ll be the one recruiting for your company next year!

If you missed the Fall Career Fair, there’s still a plethora of options, including the Spring Career Fair, asking your advisor and job hunting sites like LinkedIn or Indeed. Job hunting is what you make it, so make sure you give it your all!

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