Continuing search for new MTU President

Michigan Tech’s Presidential Search Committee is continuing the process of finding candidates to replace current president Glenn Mroz, as he intends to return to a teaching position.

The date for the next community update meeting has been set to take place on December 14 at 11 a.m. in the Memorial Union Building Ballroom A2, according to a memo released last week by Bill Johnson and Brenda Ryan, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Presidential search committee. Both Johnson and Ryan are also members of the Michigan Tech Board of Trustees.

The Presidential Search Committee has held several townhall-style meetings over the last few months to obtain feedback from students, community members, and alumni in Houghton and in other alumni population centers throughout the state of Michigan. The Presidential Search Committee is also accepting applications and nominations and has begun to include advertisements in research publications and websites, as well as other appropriate venues. The next meeting of the Presidential Search Committee and search consultants from Storbeck/Pimental & Associates, the firm assisting the Presidential Search Committee, is planned to take place on Friday, Nov. 17. It is likely that further updates will be made available following that meeting.

Mroz announced in April via an open letter that he intends to step down as president of MTU effective June 30, 2018. The Presidential Search Committee announced in a memo released in early October that the Board of Trustees intends to have selected a new president by April to officially begin duties on July 1. It is expected that Mroz will return to the School of Forrest Resources and Environmental Science, where he was the Dean prior to becoming president of the university in 2004.

Updates to the search including schedules of meetings, memos, and information on the Presidential Search Committee and Storbeck/Pimental & Associates, can be found online at .

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