Is a college necessary?

There comes a time in our life when we’ve to answer the toughest set of questions we could have imagined coming across — Are you going to college? Yes? What will you study then? Why that course? Most of the time, we don’t have answers to such questions, at least I didn’t have them. But well, the decision to attend college was the right one in the end. So, in this discussion, I want to emphasize the importance of college education.

Everybody dreams of going to college, graduating and achieving something big in life. But there comes a time when our friends end up getting jobs, start earning and spending more. A question arises — I’ll go to college, struggle for few years and then start earning, why not do it now then? Well, it takes time to understand but the eternal happiness of life does not lie in a job or money alone. Life is full of uncertainties and we must live life in the best possible way we can. This doesn’t mean doing something just because your friends do it or doing something because nobody’s doing it. A college education is something, I believe, that changes the way you look at life. In a way, it gives you the power you never had. Your thinking ability is improved, and this is something, training for which can never be given.

College education presents you with many challenges which are actually analogous to challenges in life. You have people around to compete with, there’s peer pressure, but at the same time you want your friend to do well too. It all seems intimidating at first but with time, we do get used to it. By getting used to it, I mean we’re no more afraid of losing a competition than two exams in a week don’t seem that difficult anymore. All of this, unknowingly, prepares us for the darker challenges in life. A college education is a three or four-year course which simulates problems in life in a very educative or technical manner.

The most important effect of a college education is the change in the way we look at life. In a way, it does get complicated as we now have so much to think about. But it all makes you live life to the fullest. A chair is not just a chair anymore, a movie is not just a movie anymore, a journey in an airplane is not just a journey anymore and finally, the people, the world and the universe are not just complex terms anymore. Every little thing makes its presence felt and we proudly can feel it, realize it and think over it. This is the power I’m talking about. There’s nothing like it.

In conclusion, whether to attend college or not is a subjective matter and we are going to have different opinions from different people. If you’re any bit confused in this regard I’d suggest you to pack your bags and come to college. It surely will change your life and trust me college is something which you’ll never regret.

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