Suit up for CareerFest

Huskies! It’s time to dust off your suits and get back in the formals. Coming Tuesday is the 2016 Fall Career Fair. The much awaited event will be hosted at the Student Development Complex (SDC) on September 27 between 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Every semester, the week before Career Fair is lined up with very interesting events each day and this semester is no different. Events like Resume Blitz and Interview Skills Week are organized on September 23 to make sure the job seeking students are fully prepared. Career Services assigns well experienced professionals for this task and it is definitely the best way for the students to get a head start with less than a week to go for the Career Fair. Also, there are events organized throughout the week like CareerFEST Invitational and “info sessions” of companies such as Cummins, Ford and FCA, which are major recruiters for Tech. These events will be an opportunity for the students to interact with the representatives from the companies they would want to work for.

With professionals from more than 300 companies participating in the Career Fair every semester, the campus becomes as lively as it can get. The hotels in the town are packed to capacity. The Annual Report for the year 2014-15 Career Fair states, “Our alumni love to return to campus to hire more Huskies. In fact, more than half of career fair recruiters are Michigan Tech alumni. They come from as far away as California, and because Houghton is a small community, they book hotels – and even campsites – a year in advance.” This symbolizes the popularity and excitement of the Career Fair among the Husky alumni community.

The annual report of Career Fair 2014- 15 mentions that the percentage of total student respondents placed was as high as 93.5% for the undergraduates and 90.9% for the graduates. The statistics show that about 93.5% of BA & BS, 90.7% of MA & MS and 91.7% of PhD students were placed the same year. While all the departments had very high percentage of placements, only the department of “Mathematical Sciences” had an extraordinary 100% record in both Undergraduate and Graduate students’ placement. Also, the annual report claims that in 2014-15, a total of 21 industry sectors recruited from Michigan Tech, of which Manufacturing, Consulting and Computer/Electronics sectors accounted the highest with 18.5%, 18.6% and 11.5% respectively. That’s a staggering 48.6% in total, so don’t forget to try your luck in one of these industry sectors at this CareerFest.

For all the students hoping to land their dream job this Career Fair, Saurabh Chaudhari, an International Graduate Student attending his third Career Fair at Tech this semester advises, “Make sure you go through the Resume Blitz and mock interviews arranged by Career Services at least once. Also, It definitely gives you a lot of confidence for the Career Fair day if you interact with more and more people from your dream company beforehand, through the on-campus info sessions and other Career Services events.” The Career Fair website suggests that the best way to start preparation is logging in to HuskyJOBS and checking which companies you want to speak to and decide which gymnasium you want to visit first out of the two. For more tips on Career Fest preparation check out the “Preparing for Career Fair” column on Michigan Tech Career Services website.

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