Experiencing Tech

A careful examination of any Michigan Tech student bill will reveal a $90 Experience Tech fee. Most students know that it exists, but not everyone actually knows what that $90 gets them, and even fewer take full advantage of them. So, for new students Experiencing Tech for the first time or old hands looking to get a better bang for their buck, here’s a full explanation.

Mont Ripley Ski Hill: Anyone who’s looked north knows about Mont Ripley Ski Hill, and most of them are aware that students get free lift tickets. That’s pretty well covered. A few specifics sometimes get left out though. In order to get a day pass, a student needs to go the chalet and swipe their ID. The hill can only support 1,000 skiers, and the sign-in ensures that limit is adhered to. Each student can also get 50 percent off a daily ski or snowboard rental package once.

Gates Tennis Center: The tennis center is a little less obvious than the ski hill, but equally available for students. Just call 906-487-2774 to make a reservation. Students need to bring their student ID and non-marking tennis shoes. Shoes can be purchased at the front desk, and cards can be replaced at the Van Pelt and Opie Library. The fee also covers one hour of non-student court rental.

Portage Lake Golf Course: Two full miles off campus, the Portage Lake Golf Course is still the closest Michigan Tech students will get to free access to 18 holes of golf. Unless they win it in a contest, or find one that’s been abandoned and still happens to be in good condition, or come to own a golf course later in life. There are lots of things that could happen, but still, it’s a good deal. Students can call 906-487-2641 to book a tee time, and rent clubs for $5. Be sure to bring a student ID.

Husky Hockey: At every home game, 750 seats are reserved for Michigan Tech students to get in free with their student ID. After that, students can purchase tickets for $5. Students who want to be guaranteed a seat can purchase season tickets for $95, which is a 63 percent savings over the general public price and infinitely more expensive than showing up early enough to get a free ticket.

Intramural Sports: The Experience Tech fee covers entry fees for all intramural sports at Tech. Students that would like to play can go to IMleagues.com/MTU. Teams are still responsible for forfeit fees. If a team is forced to forfeit due to a lack of players, they will be required to pay a $10 forfeit fee. A second forfeit drops the team from the league. Hockey forfeits are treated more severely, and teams pay $150 up front. The deposit is returned at the end of the season minus a $75 fee for each forfeit.

Outdoor Adventure Program: The OAP organizes numerous events and other opportunities for students to get active which are funded by the Experience Tech fee. Students also get one day of free snowshoe rental, which can be redeemed by visiting OAP in person with a valid student ID. Nordic ski equipment is also available for rent at reduced rates for students.

Presenting Series: Last year the Rozsa Center began a series of events called the “Presenting Series,” which featured touring artistic and educational performances with 300 free seats reserved for students. Students can reserve their tickets in advance at the ticketing operations office in the SDC or get them at the door up to two hours before the performance, in either case by presenting their student ID.

Tech Trails: The Tech Trails are available to students for hiking, biking and skiing as well as numerous events such as the Big Foot Snowshoe, the Muck Run and Winter Carnival Races. Maintenance and care for the trails is funded by the Experience Tech fee.

Visual and Performing Arts: Everyone knows students get free access to VPA events with their ID. But, students may not realize that they don’t have to wait in line at the box office anymore; IDs will be scanned at the door. Students are also able to bring one non-student guest to each event free of additional charge.

Wellness: Wellness puts on a variety of events each year to promote the health of students, all of which are paid for using the Experience Tech fee.

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