Math Lab gets a makeover

On the third floor of Fisher is the Math Lab where students can go for help with calculus courses. Not to be mistaken with the Math Learning Center on the floor below, students can go to the Math Lab for troubleshooting issues with Mathematica. Goals of the lab involve using computer software in conjunction with math classes is to supplement students learning in the classroom so that they may learn the material in a more practical manner, or for problems that are computationally intensive.
The lab is staffed by two coaches in Fisher 331. They sit along the back wall computers awaiting to assist you. Additionally, the coaches also monitor a Google+ account,, that allows students to remotely contact a consultant from home for any quick questions. Students can use both methods to receive help Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., or Sunday Noon to 9 p.m., offering plenty of opportunities to receive assistance.

Over last summer, the Math Lab received a makeover to update its look. A new color scheme, entrance, and a new room for a Makerspace provide for a refreshing atmosphere. The lab is equipped with dozens of high-powered computers to easily handle any programming needs and whiteboards to work on problems with consultants.

When questioned about the feel of the lab, Calculus I Coordinator Kyle Sutela responded, “Students can expect quality, helpful people in a safe, friendly, newly-renovated environment. Any student with a question simply needs to raise their hand and a consultant will assist them to find an answer without doing the work for them.” He also expanded on some of the new changes that are taking place in the lab, saying “We are currently working on policies to integrate 3d printers, Raspberry PI’s, and new video content to complement our existing curriculum.”

Calculus is hard. Learning the curriculum while trying to practice it with an unfamiliar computer program can be a daunting task. Save yourself the trouble of slaving through a problem or a syntax error by stopping at the Math Lab on the third floor of Fisher. The consults will be happy to facilitate any questions. Look for them wearing name tags in the back of the room.

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