Sled Heads to Mud Heads at the 2025 Range Races

With the weather getting warmer, the Michigan Tech club Sled Heads still found a way to rev up their engines and go race out in Houghton. On Mar. 22, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the club hosted a race out at the Range Sno-mobile Club track in South Range. This was an endurance race, where the racers raced for 15 minutes and whoever achieved the furthest distance won.

These races consist of five classes, namely leaf spring, vintage, ditchbanger, open, and two-up. To compete in these events, you had to be part of the Range Snowmobile Club. This collaboration between the Sled Heads and the Range Snowmobile Club was a success due to them selling the memberships at the event. 

 With the light dusting from Saturday night, the track was all set but only had about an inch of snow. Ben Harrison, secretary for the club, joshed, “by the third race you couldn’t tell the difference between the sleds because they were so covered in mud.” 

Harrison asserts that the money taken from this event helps the club grow and do better things. He says, “this money helps us with helping the community mechanically, giving them advice and also funding events like the winter carnival snowmobile show.”

If you have any questions about the event or are interested in joining the club, go visit their involvement link or email Trever Weakley, the leader of the club, at The club meets in room 303 of the R. L. Smith building every Wednesday. Everyone is welcome. 

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