Student employment options for summer and fall

There are many opportunities to enhance your leadership and communication skills while working. This summer, the Wahtera Center is hiring students as orientation team leaders, summer resident assistants, summer ambassadors, success coaches, ExSEL peer mentors, and success course teaching assistants. They’re looking for “creative, compassionate students” living in the area over the summer. Schedules are flexible, and you can contact for more information.

Additionally, the engineering department is looking for Learning with Academic Partners (LEAP) leaders to assist in first-year courses with a base pay of $13.00 per hour. Email Dr. AJ Hamlin or Dr. Amber Kemppainen for more information (

If you have a passion for teaching, becoming a learning center coach would be a great opportunity as well. Depending on the learning center, you need a strong background in that respective field. To apply as a Physics Learning Center coach, email Robert Weidman ( or keep an eye out on their website for more information to come. The PLC will be accepting applications until the end of March.

The Biology Learning Center (BLC) is hiring multiple new coaches; Brigitte Morin, the BLC director, encourages students with “a positive energy and an excitement for biology” to apply. She states that coaches must be able to answer or find answers to students’ questions, host exam review sessions, and bring new ideas to the learning center. She is looking for students with “a broad background,” including courses in ecology, nursing, lab sciences, plant sciences, kinesiology, and more. In particular, the BLC is looking for students in “biochemistry, molecular [biology] majors, definitely some ecology, evolutionary [biology] majors, computational [biology],” and more. Most of the coaches have a background in health sciences, so any majors outside of that field are needed. To apply, email Brigitte Morin ( for an application and submit it via email or in-person at her office or the BLC by Mar. 21 at 5 p.m. to be considered for an interview.

The Chemistry Learning Center (CLC) is also hiring coaches and weekly review leaders for next year. Students must have completed University Chemistry II by the fall, enjoy teaching others, and have a passion for chemistry. Susan Liebau, the CLC director, is particularly looking for students who are patient, work well in a team, and aren’t afraid to ask when they can’t answer a student’s question. “It’s pretty flexible”, said Liebau. It’s a great stepping stone if you’re looking for job experience. Following the application, potential coaches will have to pass a chemistry assessment before being invited for an individual and group interview. Any majors are eligible to apply, as long as they have completed University Chemistry II. To apply, students can find the application on the CLC website or flyers across campus. The deadline for applications is Mar. 23, but students are encouraged to apply sooner rather than later.

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