The Office of the President announced that Michigan Tech President Richard Koubek will continue to hold weekly office hours for the campus community this semester. The office hours are scheduled on Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Interested individuals can contact Director of Presidential Operations Heather Herman (hlherman@mtu.ed) to schedule an appointment.
Facilitating presidential office hours allows the campus community to uniquely voice their opinions and concerns about the University directly to the highest office holder. The same timely and personal response is not available through email. If students, faculty, or staff members disagree with or want clarification on an administrative decision, they can set up a meeting.
Students’ opinions mean more than many may believe; as the tuition payers, they have a significant voice in the University’s direction. With recent education policy changes from President Donald Trump, it is important that the university administration reflects its students, staff, and faculty. Policy cannot be guided without this input.
In the role of University President, Koubek is “ultimately responsible for all aspects of Michigan Technological University,” according to Tech’s website. This includes shared governance, financial stability, fundraising, improvement of Tech’s learning experience, and institutional responses to political, social, and ethical issues. Koubek meaningfully influences campus policy in these areas and beyond, making him a good connection for students looking to make a difference.