USG, like all the RSOs on campus, will be looking to make a smooth executive board (E-Board) transition this spring. Elections are underway, and a plan has been put in place to help execute this transition. Each board member will create transition documents for the new chair, and take the time to meet with the new person and discuss the position. The official body transitions will take place on Mar. 26. The meeting is open to all and is expected to carry a big audience.
There were only 1,254 votes for new E-Board positions as of Wednesday, Feb. 19, and voting closed on Saturday, Feb. 22. Nominations for college and year representatives are open now and close on Friday, Mar. 9. Voting is open Mar. 16 through Mar. 22.
Brendan Leddy, Chair of the Political Affairs Committee, and policy law student, spoke on the Jan. 20 executive order based on gender identification for all state and federally funded organizations– the order presents research funding complications for many. These are all federal regulations that the University is required to comply with. However, support for students is not going away. The best thing students can do is to continue to educate themselves. Leddy stated, “I continue to lead by example, and work towards a better tomorrow, and I encourage all students at Michigan Tech to do the same thing…. it is tempting to, and frankly easier but far more exhausting to hate, while more challenging, and far more rewarding to love.”
There are no major updates on the proposed RSO counseling system from the previous week’s meeting, but progress is still being made. MTU is in the process of hiring two new Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) coordinator positions, which will be posted by the end of the week. SLI would like to do a light rollout this spring, bringing in a couple of student groups and having preliminary conversations about what people want within these support groups, particularly how often would it be beneficial to meet. The first version of this support system will likely start next fall.
During the meeting, USG Treasurer Isobel Bowker practiced a presentation covering the USG finances for the Board of Trustees meeting that took place on Feb. 21. This meeting showed the Board of Trustees how the Student Activity Fee (SAF) is being applied and how RSOs are being organized. Over half of the budget hearings are currently done. There is 51 percent of this year’s student activity remaining, though it will go down quickly with upcoming purchase requests.
For any questions, visit USG office hours in MUB 113 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.