Struggling to stay motivated? G.R.I.T. Workshop can help

Michigan Tech students have one month left to register for the G.R.I.T.: Gaining Resilience, Inspiring Tenacity seminar, a free activity-based workshop on Sunday, Mar. 23, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the MUB Alumni Lounge. Participants will receive free program materials, snacks, and a gift.  

The program is facilitated by Danielle Meirow, director of Student Leadership and Involvement, who has led the workshop every semester since spring of 2023. Inspired by Angela Duckworth’s book, “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”, it covers topics such as motivation, goal setting, habit formation, and perseverance. Activities include a personality assessment, value identification, habit formation exercises, and a grit scale assessment.  

“Student Affairs noticed that many Michigan Tech students are used to high levels of success in their lives. When they encounter challenges or failure for the first time, it can be overwhelming. The G.R.I.T. workshop aims to help students persevere through those challenges,” Meirow said.  

The G.R.I.T. workshop is part of Michigan Tech’s ongoing effort to provide resources and support for students’ success. Immediate feedback collected through surveys indicates that some students feel rejuvenated after the program while others find themselves re-inspired to pursue their passions.  

“It is cool to meet other people from different areas of campus that you don’t see in your day-to-day life. Getting to know their experiences and relating to someone outside of your usual bubble is one of my favorite parts,” Meirow said, highlighting the value of connection formed throughout the G.R.I.T. seminar.  

For more information on the program, visit room 112 in the MUB or contact Danielle Meirow at 

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