Deadline for on-campus housing contract renewal approaches

As students settle into the spring semester, those considering on-campus housing for next year should act fast – the deadline for Michigan Tech’s housing contract renewal is Feb. 13, and fewer than 100 beds remain.  

“Pretty much everybody who really wanted to live on campus has signed a contract already,” said Ryan Bennett, Associate Director of Housing.  

The university has struggled in recent years to accommodate all of the students wanting to live on campus, leading to waitlists and increased demand for off-campus housing.   

To address the rising demand, Michigan Tech will open East Hall in the fall. The 512-bed residence features four-person suites with single- or double-occupancy rooms, with rates listed on the Michigan Tech Housing website. “The last two or three years, we’ve been very, very full,” Bennett said. “[East Hall] was probably built five years too late, I think.” 

While on-campus housing includes utilities, internet, and meal plan access, students should understand that signing a contract is a financial commitment. “A university housing contract binds you to [live] on campus next year. If you just find something cheaper, we don’t let people out of contracts for that,” Bennett said.   

“If you are receiving support through loans, grants,  scholarships, parental support, or other means, please discuss your housing plans with the appropriate people before you sign this University housing contract or any legally binding housing contract. A University housing contract cannot be used as a ‘backup plan’ in case you do not find other housing off campus instead,” Michigan Tech’s website states. Students with an approved co-op, study abroad, or early graduation plan may cancel their contracts without penalty.  

With the Feb. 13 deadline approaching, students should review their options and plan ahead. For those with medical needs, Student Disability Services (SDS) provides housing accommodations. Requests for private rooms should be submitted as early as possible.  

More information is available on the Michigan Tech Residential Living website or at the Residential Life office, 153 West Wadsworth Hall, open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students may also email for more information.

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