Student Tips: Note taking habits

Mastering the art of note-taking is an essential part of being academically successful. There are many different methods for taking notes effectively, but the most important approach  depends on what learning process works best for you. 

The note-taking process can vary depending on the class structure, so here are some tips to help. Make sure to take notes before, during, and after class. Looking at the class material beforehand will help you identify the main concepts and help you prepare questions you may have. During class, it is essential to take notes in your own words. You can even abbreviate or underline to capture sufficient details of the material. After class make sure you take time to review your notes to learn the concepts better. Remember, that notes are only as good as the effort you put into them.

The skill of note-taking will benefit you well into your career, so a helpful tip is to, “compile a well organized set of notes and questions that you can later ask and share with your coworkers,” stated Katherine Eddy, a fourth-year Civil Engineering Student.  

Additional resources to assist with your note-taking skills are provided at the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success. The center is located in the Administration Building room 103 with the email

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